Tuesday, July 05, 2005


If you have seen The Passion of the Christ, then you've experienced the incredible soundtrack by John Debney as well…one of my favorite pieces of music. He has extended this work into a full symphony, focusing in particular on the Stations of the Cross. It is a piece of music to watch for in the future if released in America. Other than Howard Shore's moving soundtrack to the Lord of the Rings trilogy of films, Debney's stands alone as some of the most beautiful and poignant music in the movies today.

In this interview with Zenit.org, Debney closes with the following:
I love speaking about the film, I love speaking about our faith, about music in general and I would just invite everyone … I will pray that this will simply spread truth and love through sound.

With everything I do, it is to glorify him. The fact that he continued to give me the gift through all the struggles, and there were some, to wake up and write these notes, is thrilling. That is true about everything I do, but especially about this.

I'm hoping to invite a certain number of people that can't afford to go, so we're making a number of inquiries through the Vatican to try to invite orphans and religious who would not otherwise be able to attend. To be Christ-like we must reach out to the lowliest and include them in such activity.

Sometimes we don't hear what God's telling us. It's worth stopping to listen so we can open our arms to them too. You never know what joys you will find when you listen to God's call.


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