From Barbara Nicolosi's Church of the Masses blog:
Mexico - The Passion of the Christ made $5.2 million in Mexico in its opening weekend. This makes it the second biggest debut in Mexico after only Spiderman. Note that this opening was despite the fact that the movie was illegal for anyone under 18.
Brazil - Opening this weekend on 472 screens, the movie made $1.8 million which is the seventh biggest opening in Brazilian history.
Chile - $668,000 on 42 screens which is the biggest opening of any movie ever there according to FOX which is distributing the film in Latin America
Columbia - $606,000 on 114 screens for the third biggest opening ever behind Spidey and ROTK
Altogether, TPOTC made $10.2 million in nine Latin countries. Notes FOX exec VP Paul Hanneman, "Those numbers are astronomical."
Germany - opened second with $2.3 million behind Brother Bear
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