As the blunt, brutally honest Dr. Laura sees it, we have much more control over our life’s direction—and a duty to responsibly steer it—than we’re sometimes willing to admit. She counsels us to get over the past by moving past it; to stop continually blaming others for the bad choices we now as adults freely make; to take control of our future instead of letting our yesterdays choke the joy out of our tomorrows.Dr. Laura loudly proclaims: “Continuing to be an adult victim is voluntary.”
Unfortunately, for some forever-victims, “The emotional pull of the past…is more powerful than the logic of the moment.” And these folks, instead of being “individuals with a past” become “individuals defined by the past.”
Now stop for a moment and think about the society in which we live. Does is ever seem responsibility light? One where we overlook the poor behavior of many adult adolescents intent on playing peek-a-boo with the real world?
Do you know people who continually act out their tragic past dramas over and over and over again—forcing others to be part of their painful stage plays?
Are you one of them?
And why is this “victim” mentality so deeply entrenched in the souls of some?
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