Monday, May 17, 2004


This one is a week old now, but I wanted to make sure I posted it. One of the more maddening things I read last week.

DeSales High School’s director of recruitment was fired yesterday because of her letter to the editor that ran in the Times May 6.

“I feel like I was stabbed in the back by the administration,” said Kathy Peters, former director of recruitment, retention and public relations. “I just knew [I was in trouble], but I didn’t think they were going to fire me. I thought I was going to get a reprimand.”

Peters’ letter said public schools spend too much money on new buildings instead of education and that a quality education stems from values and family support, especially when modeled after Jesus Christ.

Peters said she was shocked by how strongly she’s been attacked over her letter and by the lack of support from DeSales — especially Juliano — and the diocese.

“The thing that bothers me is that I have supported that woman every single time, even when I didn’t agree with her,” Peters said. “I always felt I was micro-managed by her constantly.

“I just feel like I was really betrayed by the diocese, because they gave the approval for this. I’m so tired of this diocese and their injustice to Catholic education. This diocese, I don’t care what they say, does not support Catholic education.”

Peters was also shocked that Juliano specifically reprimanded her for mentioning Jesus’ name in the letter. She noted that as Catholic educators, Jesus is the reason for everything they do.


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